martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

The Vdelt: by Ray Bradbury

The Vdelt: by Ray Bradbury 

Ray Bradbury is no fan of tecnologi, in fact he might hate tecnologi. His disagrement of tecnologi is shown in his writing like in the story of The Vdelt. The story takes place in a futuristic house were the people who live in the house dont have to do anithing never because the tecnologi inside the house does everything for the owner. But the family has two kids and they have a futuristic nursery. The nursery takes the kids imagination and turnes it into reality in big screens. But there is a problem, the kids are imagining a vdelt thas has too much violence for the kids and there are constant sreams. So the parents decide to call the psycologist to give a look into the nursey, he gets woried and suggest the parents to shut down the house including the nursery, the parents decide to shut down the house. The kids get so mad that they dicide to trick theyr parents into entering the nursery and the lions of the vdelt come to life and kill the parents even if that wasnt sopossed to happen.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

The memories come back to community

The past chapters have been about how the memories affect how Jonas sees the world. He gets memories of all sort like love between the people, love between animals and people also he gets many pain memories. This memories and love make him want to change things he even tells this to Gabe and then stops taking the sturing pills.